
The regional Faster Cancer Treatment (FCT) database, in its early stages of development, is to collect the data from cancer patients around the region for reporting of FCT indicators.  So its not really collecting new information as such, its collating data from the region and applying business logic/rules to it to provide an accurate picture of the patient journey for Cancer Wait time reporting.

Additional information:

Scope Regional
Does the data contain diagnoses and clinical outcomes? Does the data contain procedures, device information and medication for therapy? Does this data set have cost / price data? Dx: Yes
Brief info about the systems and processes used to collect/manage data. Q: Where the data is collected, in what form, and accessibility? All DHBs are required to report on 3 FCT indicators (starting later this month!). They are referral to first specialist assessment, referral to first treatment and decision to treat to first treatment for cancer patients. There are a number of rules and inclusions/exclusions around the patients to report, and patients move through the course of their journey around the region (eg a referral might come into Lakes, but the first treatment of surgery might occur at Waikato). Due to all this complexity we decided a regional database would be the best solution to enable reporting of the indicators. Each DHB will send into the regional database all their cancer related transactions (eg surgery treatments, chemotherapy treatments, Radiotherapy treatments, Specialist appointments (FSA) , Referrals etc) It will then be the job of the regional database to collate all the information and build up the FCT journey for the reporting. i.e. find the first FSA, first cancer treatment etc for each patient for each tumour stream they are having treatment for. It also means all the rules around inclusions/exclusions etc only have to be written once and are applied in a consistent manner across the Midland region.