
Collection of information for Diagnostic Waiting Time indicators Programme from 2012/13 onwards

Additional information:

Have_(encrypted)_NHI No
Personally identifiable (e.g. linked to NHI numbers) and longitudinal or aggregated (e.g. for planning, clinical research etc.)? No
Scope National
Does the data contain diagnoses and clinical outcomes? Does the data contain procedures, device information and medication for therapy? Does this data set have cost / price data? Info about the health conditions people have (e.g. diagnosis data)? It is summary level data relating to Patients waiting for/ or received CT, MRI or Colonoscopies.. Cost/price data? No
Presence of Data dictionary? Column headings in Excel or any kind of data model if residing in a relational database (e.g. Access, SQL Server, Oracle etc.) No
How often does this data set get updated? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? Yearly? Monthly
Brief info about the systems and processes used to collect/manage data. Q: Where the data is collected, in what form, and accessibility? The data comes from DHB
Data format, e.g., data structure, data types, and storage form (relational database, Excel, csv, etc.). Other
How well the data is structured, e.g. free text VS coded text VS pick-list (drop-down list) Data format - numeric or character? Numeric data input in an Excel Template