
Well Child - our dataset has been designed by Plunket for the Well Child work it undertakes.

Additional information:

Have_(encrypted)_NHI Yes
Personally identifiable (e.g. linked to NHI numbers) and longitudinal or aggregated (e.g. for planning, clinical research etc.)? NHI and aggregated
Volume of data (e.g. how many records) Since when? we currently have over 260,000 clients on our database and out in the field there is over 260,000 current manual records, and even more archived.
Purpose and governance including ethics committee/patient consent mechanisms. Q: How do you get around ethics/privacy issues with your data sources? Esp. DHBs? Plunket has it own ethics committeee where any research or evaluation involving our clients or staff has to be approved. We also have a change process for any changes to the system. Our client receive both a verbal and wirtten explanation of how their information will be used. All requested for ifnormation are individually assess by our clinical/business team to ensure that we are not breaching any procedures and no identifable data is shared outside our privacy boundaries.
Scope National
Does the data contain diagnoses and clinical outcomes? Does the data contain procedures, device information and medication for therapy? Does this data set have cost / price data? Our current data set is very static and is a description of what is recording in our electronic record and Plunket health record. It does cover some "status" which are community health outcomes but not currently individual outcomes as such. Our work is in the wellness section and does not cover devices or medications. We do not have cost/price data
Presence of Data dictionary? Column headings in Excel or any kind of data model if residing in a relational database (e.g. Access, SQL Server, Oracle etc.) We do have a data diction - it is a word document and has several different headings. We do not currently have a relational database. Our database is a bespoke database which is developed by JADE/Ascribe. We do use SQL for reporting and
Linked (or linkable) to other datasets within your organisation or across the Sector Not linked
How often does this data set get updated? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? Yearly? Daily
Indication of data quality (e.g. missing values, duplications, inconsistencies etc.). Q: Audits? How do you ensure the data is valid and correct? We run weekly reports, the field staff tell us if things are not correct, the reports can be done at a variety of levels. If staff have concerns we can track the information in our system to ensure it is correct. Annual random documentation audits occur and we have also had external auditors in to check our system
Brief info about the systems and processes used to collect/manage data. Q: Where the data is collected, in what form, and accessibility? The nurses collect the information into a hard record - Plunket Health Record, they then complete a form which is a summary of care delivery components, referrals recommendation, status such as breastfeeding, immunisation. This is then scanned into our database, if business rules have not been followed we then get exemptions back to correct the information. The areas can access information regarding the clients living in their areas. The reports that can be run are operational (identifable) and collated information including population outcome information by location, area, dhb and nationally.
Data format, e.g., data structure, data types, and storage form (relational database, Excel, csv, etc.). POND is a bespoke systems not relational. We use excel, csv for reporting as well asIQ$biz
How well the data is structured, e.g. free text VS coded text VS pick-list (drop-down list) In the manual records it is all free text on the scan forms it is structured.